Geotechnical studies for the proposed construction of Wind turbines project at Rubessa, Wangdue

Bhutan Power corporation limited initiated with renewable energy power plant (wind energy) construction at Rubesa, Wangdiphodrang. APECS was awarded to conduct detailed geotechnical subsoil investigation for the proposed wind power plant.

Following were the major scope of the assignment:

  • Conduct core drilling in various location to determine the vertical section of the soil strata
  • Carry  out plate load teas to establish the stress-deformation of the top layers
  • Identify and assess the strength of geological materials by conducting necessary field and laboratory tests, chemical test and analysis.
  • Submission  comprehensive geotechnical report.

Geotechnical studies and Laboratory Investigation of Detailed Project Report of Druk Bindu Small Hydropower Project

Geotechnical studies and detailed laboratory analysis on the Detailed Project Report for the construction of small hydro power project at Druk Bindu, Samtse awarded by Druk Green Power Corporation Ltd.

Following were the major scope of the assignment:

• Carry out field surveys to confirm desk study interpretation and gathered supplementary data
• Carry field investigations-PLT/SPT/PPT, Pit excavation and sample collection for laboratory testing.
• Carry out Slope stability analysis of soil and rock slopes.
• Assist the risks to existing infrastructures
• Inspect high risk locations to define potentials solutions
• Determine requirements for engineering structures such as retaining walls and complementary bioengineering applications
• To prepare mitigation plan and detail mitigation measures needed to be adopted along with the cost estimates and timing for corrective measures and actions