The Ministry of Labor of Human Resources (MOLHR) under ADB Project Number: 50296-002, August 2018 received grant for “Skills Training and Education Pathways Up gradation Project”. Part of the proceed was used to come up with design and drawing and project cost for the office cum workshop for TTI Samthang. APECS consultant was engaged by MOLHR to prepare Design, drawing and engineers cost estimate for the project.
Following were the major scope of the assignment:
• Conduct geotechnical investigations including field and laboratory tests to determine the suitability of the proposed area of investigations.
• Conduct detailed topographic survey and mapping of the site
• Prepare detailed architectural design and drawings based on the client’s brief and considerations including preparation of 3D Drawings and detailed working drawings.
• Prepare detailed structural design and drawings with structural analysis considering soil investigation report, future expansion and seismic zone V conditions.
• Prepare detailed electrical design/drawings incorporating green design concepts.
• Prepare detailed water supply/plumbing design & drawings.
• Prepare detailed sanitation/sewerage design & drawings.
• Prepare detailed cost estimates and segregated Bill of Quantities for each category of infrastructure using BSR 2018 and technical specification for material and works.