Although industrial development started late in the country, there has been a gradual progress both in terms of size, number and there is high speculation that these two sectors have potential for growth given the multi-micro climate and forest cover. However, there are no sector focused empirical data and studies to substantiate the growth potential in these sectors. This study therefore aimed to comprehensively study and compare the productivity level in these sectors against regional and international benchmarks and further identify the issues that constrain growth.
Following were the major scope of the assignment:
• Provide a broad outlook of wood and agro-based sectors in Bhutan;
• Design appropriate information gathering tools such as survey questionnaire, interview questions etc. necessary to collect the required information, collect and analyze the information from enterprises
• Carry out productivity assessment at the enterprise, sub-sector, and sector levels and compare against productivity level in the region – India, Bangladesh & Nepal as well as with other countries
• Carry out comprehensive review of the policy and regulatory environment governing the sectors
• Assess the potential for backward and forward linkages (value chain & supply chain analysis) in the sub-sectors
• Draw up an Action Plan with agencies identified for implementation