Towards promoting industrial development, relevant policies have been realigned and specific programs such as CSI Flagship development program and development of business infrastructure are being taken up. To complement the various programs that are being undertaken to foster economic diversification, the current study was proposed to take stock of the resources, assess business potential and identify project ideas to stimulate investment in the country.

Following were the major scope of the assignment:

• Survey and undertake a baseline study on the overall operating industries as of March 2020.
• Analyse existing status of industrial activities under different classification (Production and Manufacturing (PAM) and Service) and sub-classification (Agro, forest, mineral, others)
• Study and draw up an inventory of available domestic resources (Eg. mineral, agro/food, wood etc.)
• Study the level of commercial utilization of available resources, both in terms of processing by domestic industries and sales in primary form.
• Assess the adequacy of surplus resources available for processing and investment.
• Study and assess the service activities and scope for investment opportunities in different parts of the country.
• Based on the above analysis identify:
Potential manufacturing industries
Potential service industries
• Provide policy and other recommendations viewed necessary to stimulate and foster investment in the country. Potential manufacturing industries




Department of Trade, MoEA.


January 2020 – June 2020