Social safeguards add protection layers that can prevent adverse impacts on the lives of dozens, hundreds or even thousands of families. The role of social safeguards has evolved beyond the “do no harm” approach. Nowadays, they are also expected to proactively identify opportunities to improve the lives of the population in the area of influence of a project.
APECS has undertaken several social safeguards and gender studies not as standalone projects, but as a part of larger infrastructure projects. We ensure that ensuring that project implementation is in compliance with donor agency’s (RGoB/ADB/World Bank) social safeguard principles and policies.
Apart from gender safeguards alone, it has become imperative to have an inclusive project design and implementation that considers LGBTQI as well as persons with disability. APECS has been promoting this new shift in consideration through its professional conduct.
Key Focus Areas
- Socio-economic impact assessment
- Social impact assessment
- Social safeguards
- Resettlement Planning
- Gender analysis and safeguards
- Gender mainstreaming